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The 亚太地区 region remains the world’s most dynamic by a considerable margin and represents an amazing opportunity for companies looking to expand globally – but it requires a unique approach.
Six of the ten fastest growing economies in the world are located in the 中东 and 非洲 region. Swedish companies that prepare well for expansion have a lot to gain in this region.
The Swedish e-bike manufacturer Cake offers vehicle models tailored to every rider preference – from city commuting to off-road racing. Business PG电子官方免费下载’s accelerator programme 催化剂 gave the company a springboard to expansion in 欧洲 and the US.
Geopolitics is changing the playing field for Asian supply chains and 印度’s new role as an emerging manufacturing and logistics hub is picking up momentum. Here’s a look at the latest developments – and why Swedish companies should pay close attention.
The 美国’s multifaceted policy and regulatory landscape has far-reaching implications that shape market conditions – and understanding the nuances and dynamics of this landscape is crucial for Swedish companies looking to enter or grow their presence in the market. We spoke to government affairs professionals representing some of PG电子官方免费下载’s largest companies in the US to collect their insights and advice on how to navigate the laws, 流程, 监管条件.
可持续性 is becoming an increasingly important driver in 新加坡’s retail sector as government initiatives and consumer behaviours combine to increase demand for green products and PG电子游戏. 本报告探讨了当前的形势, 政策, and initiatives in the 新加坡an retail market and how Swedish companies are, 并且可以, 塑造向可持续消费的转变.
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